Who is a TurnKey Solution Provider
Turn Key Solution provider is a company or a group of individuals who are responsible for taking complete projects and delivering the structure based on an architects plan.
In LGSF Technology, becoming a Turn Key solution is fairly easy as the non-compromising part which is the structural framework and the code-compatibility is taken care of by the design team and production of the profiles itself. All that the Tukey Key solution provider has to do is assemble the profiles meticulously as per the assembly drawings.
Following companies or individuals having relative experience can offer LGSF Technology related Turn Key solution providing services immediately.
Civil companies
LGSF companies
Liaisons teams
PEB companies
Structural Consultants / Designers
Instant Business
Accurate Structures
Larger Clientelle
Growing Market
Benefits of Becoming a TurnKey Solution Provider
The 3 types of TurnKey Providers
Contractor to Builder
Scale up and Skill up if you are a contractor, have your own clientele, and work on projects that work on PEB oriented structures. Any existing contractor can easily become a builder using LGSF Technology to its advantage, all you have to do is scale up your management and skill up your team.
Professional to Builder
If you are an Architect or a Structural designer it is very easy for you to become a one-point-solution contact using LGSF as a Technology. Since the framework and intricacy of the LGSF profiles assembly is taken care during the manufacturing phase of LGSF iitself. It becomes easy for a professional to turn into a builder, all one is required to do is choose surfaces and textures.